
Alternate names: Padubysys [Lith], Bazilionai [Lith], Bazilyan [Yid], Podubiś [Pol], Padubysis, Padubysio, Padubisio, Bernotai, Bazilënay, Russian: Подубисъ. באַזילאָן-Yiddish. 55°48' N, 23°08' E, 12 miles SW of Šiauliai (Shavl), 14 miles NE of Kelmė in Shavli uyezd . Słownik Geograficzny Królestwa Polskiego (1880-1902), VIII, p. 475: "Podubiś" #2. 1900 Jewish population: fewer than 200. [March 2009]

MASS GRAVE: Žagarė central park. 90; pic. # 84-85. source: US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad. US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad

MASS GRAVE: Near Adogala, 2 km from town in southern valley of the river Dubysa; 147; pic. # 231-232 US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE