
File:LIT Wiejsieje COA.gif Alternate names: Veisiejai [Lith], Wiejsieje [Pol], Vishai [Yid], Viesee, Veysyay, Veyseye, Veyseyay, Veiseju, Veisejai, Veisee, Vishay, Vishey, Vishaya, Russian: Вейсеяй.  ווישיי-Yiddish. 54°06' N, 23°42' E, 31 miles E of Suwałki (Suvalk), 14 miles E Sejny. 1897 Jewish census: 974 (63%) of 1,540. Three major fires in Vishey include the first in 1872 that destroyed large parts of the town. The synagogue building now houses "Living Way Baptist Church." The Esperanto language was invented here. ShtetLink. [March 2009]

CEMETERY: A fenced Jewish cemetery lies southeast of the center of town in a residential area. About 100 gravestones are mostly very difficult to read. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [date?]

Photo. [March 2009]

Cemetery information. [September 2010]

MASS GRAVE: This massacre site is near the village of Katkiske, 1 km from Lazdijiai; 118; pic. # l54-155 US Commission for the Preservation of America's Heritage Abroad

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE