
Alternate names:  Alba Iulia [Rom], Gyulafehérvár [Hun], Karlsburg [Ger], Apulum [Lat], Erdel Belgradı [Turk], Weißenburg [Ger, pre-1711], Alba-Iulia. Located at:  46°04' N, 23°35' E in Alba County, Transylvania Region. Jewish population: 1,357 (in 1891). Capital of Judeţul Alba on the Mureş River, 48 miles S of Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), in S Transilvania. 2010 population: 67,000. Jewish population: 1,357 (in 1891). Encyclopedia of Jewish Life (2001), pp. 25-27: "Alba-Iulia". Map overview of Jewish cemetery. Jewish history. [January 2010]Pictures by Charles Burns

Jewish Families of Alba-Iulia. [June 2014]

Four villages are administered by the city: Bărăbanţ (Borbánd), Miceşti (Ompolykisfalud), Oarda (Alsóváradja) and Pâclişa (Poklos).

YIVO Encyclopedia and Jewish Virtual Library. [December 2012]



On 8 February 1999 vandals smashed several gravestones and hacked away at the walls of vaults in the Jewish cemetery. Police said the vandals probably were looking for buried treasure as it is believed that many Jews were buried during the Second World War with their jewels. [January 2010]

REFERENCE: Ruth Gruber. Jewish Heritage Travel: A Guide to East-Central Europe. New York: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1992, p. 207-209; hearse at cemetery; graves; 208,209.

overview [Dec 2012]

photos and map overview. [Jan 2013]

[UPDATE] Jewish Cemetery Restoration [November 2015]

[UPDATE] Crowd-funding for Jewish Cemetery in Alba Iulia [March 2016]

[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [July 2018]


Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE