
also see RADAUTI.

Alternate names: Arbore [Rom], Arbora [Ger]. 47°44' N, 25°56' E, 8 miles S of Rădăuţi (Radautz), 13 miles N of Gura Humorului (Gurahumora).. Arbore is a commune located in Suceava CountyRomania. It is composed of three villages: Arbore, Bodnăreni and Clit.  1900 Jewish population: 107.

JewishGen Romania SIG

[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [January 2016]

JOWBRJewish Cemetery.

web site of the writer, Ruth Ellen Gruber. Jewish Cemeteries of the Bucovina by Simon Geissbühler. ISBN 978-973-1805-50-4. Romanian, Ukrainian, English, French, and German. This book may soon be available via commercial booksellers, but can also be obtained directly from the author <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. Though very fews Jews remain in the Bucovina, the cemeteries represent the culture and prominence of the Jewish populations of pre-WWII Romania. This volume provides information on and pictures of the Jewish cemeteries of Campulung Moldovenesc, Vama, Gura Humorului, Solca, Arbore, Radauti, Moldovita, Siret, Mihaileni, Storozhynets, Vyzhnytsia, Banilov, Vashkivtsi, Novoselitsa, and Hertsa. [Mar 2014\

US Commission No._

The cemetery is located in Suceava judet, Moldavia region at 47°37' 25°55', 25 km from Radauti, Suceava judet. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with no Jews.

Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE