

Located at 4711 2339, 28.9 miles N of Cluj. Alternate Hungarian name: Kalna.Current town population is under with no Jews.

The Jewish population by census is 18 in 1857 and five in 1930. In May 1944, the Jews were gathered in the ghetto in Cluj and on May 25th, 29th, 31 and June 3rd, 8th, 9th 1944 deported to Auschwitz. The unlandmarked 19th century cemetery's last burial was probably before 1931. The isolated rural/agricultural location has no sign or marker. Reached by crossing private property, access is open to all with no wall or fence. The pre- and post-WWII size is 35. 2 m X 3 m. 20-100 gravestones are in cemetery with 1-20 in original location and 1-20 not in original location. No stones are toppled or broken. No stones were removed from the cemetery (probably.) Vegetation and water drainage are not problems. No special sections.

The 19th and 20th century tombstones are made of "other" material with Hebrew inscriptions; and some have iron decoration or lettering. The municipality owns the site used only as a Jewish cemetery. Adjacent properties are agricultural and industrial. Rarely, private Jewish or non-Jewish individuals visit. The never-vandalized cemetery's care has been clearing of vegetation by regular caretaker paid by the local Jewish Community from Cluj. No structures. No threats.
Alexandru Pecican, assistant professor, Almasului str., Bl. R1, ap. 14, 3400 Cluj-Napoca, Romania visited the site and completed the survey on 7 May 2000 using the following documentation:

He interviewed Cecan Augustin in Calna.


Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE