
47°27' N 27°19' E, 216.3 miles NNE of Bucureşti. Alternate name: Jakobeny (Ger). Composed of two villages, Iacobeni and Mestecăniș. It included Botoș and Ciocănești villages until 2002 that formed Ciocăneşti Commune.


cemetery photos. [February 2014]

The cemetery is located in Iacobeni at Str. Republicii 230, judet Suceava, 4A727 2719 or 4726 2519, 210.5 miles N of Bucharest or 216.3 miles NNE of Bucharest and 100 km from Suceava. Present town population is 5,000-25,000 with no Jews.

The Jewish population by census was 1831 registered 360 Jewish families and in 1930 was 228 Jewish inhabitants. The cemetery was established at the end of the 19th century. Last known burial was approximately 1930. The unlandmarked Orthodox cemetery is from the congregation that used it. 500 m.

The urban hillside, separate but near other cemeteries (near the German cemetery), has no sign or marker. Reached by a public road, access is open to all. A fence with a gate that locks surrounds the site. Approximate pre-WWII size was 400 x 350 m. Approximate post-WWII size is 300 x 250 m. 1-20 stones are visible, all in original location. Less than 25% of the stones are toppled or broken. Location of stones removed from the cemetery is unknown. Vegetation overgrowth in the cemetery is a seasonal problem preventing access. Water drainage is good all year.

The oldest known gravestone dates from the end of the 19th century. The 20th century granite, sandstone, marble and limestone gravestones have Yiddish and German inscriptions. Some have portraits on stones. The national Jewish community owns the property used for an orchard. Adjacent properties are in village residential setting with houses, gardens, orchards, and pastures Compared to 1939, the cemetery boundaries enclose a smaller area. Rarely, private Jewish or non-Jewish visitors stop. The never vandalized cemetery had no maintenance. Current care is occasional clearing or cleaning by unpaid individuals. No structures. Security and weather erosion are moderate threats. Incompatible nearby development is a serious threat, size was reduced through the railway's building. [sic].

Lucian Nastasă, Piata Mihai Viteazul 9A, apt. 23, Cluj, Romania, tel. 064/134858. Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. visited the site and completed the survey on September 21, 2000 using the following documentation:

Lucian Nastasă visited September 19, 2000 and interviewed Fodor Ion (zis Neamţzu), Str. Republicii 82, Iacobeni and Dranca Mircea, Str. Drancani 19, Iacobeni, judet Suceava. [January 2003]

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