
Alternate names: Siret [Rom], Sereth [Ger], Seret [Yid  סערעט, Pol, Ukr], Szeretvásár [Hun]. 47°57' N, 26°04' E, In NE Romania, 10 miles NE of Rădăuti, near the border with Ukraine..Jewish popuation: 3,014 (in 1890), 2,121 (in 1930). Jewish merchants from Galicia settled beginning in the 16th century. Jewish popuation was half Jewish. 1912- 1918 saw a Jewish mayor and several on the City Council. Many Jews fled during World War l as Russians occupied twice during 1914 and 1916. Before World War l 10 prayer houses in the community, a Mikvah, tahara, cattle slaughterhouse and slaughterhouse for chickens were in the city. The community "Talmud Torah" had four classes..1941 deportation to the labor camps in Trasnistria. An elaborate Aron ha Kodesh and a memorial to the Holocaust victims can be seen in the only standing synagogue, the Great Temple of Siret at Str. Teiului 4). Probably the last Jew living in Siret passed away in 2000.

web site of the writer, Ruth Ellen Gruber.  Jewish Cemeteries of the Bucovina by This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. ISBN 978-973-1805-50-4. Romanian, Ukrainian, English, French, and German. This book may soon be available via commercial booksellers, but can also be obtained directly from the author <This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.>. Though very fews Jews remain in the Bucovina, the cemeteries represent the culture and prominence of the Jewish populations of pre-WWII Romania. This volume provides information on and pictures of the Jewish cemeteries of Campulung Moldovenesc, Vama, Gura Humorului, Solca, Arbore, Radauti, Moldovita, Siret, Mihaileni, Storozhynets, Vyzhnytsia, Banilov, Vashkivtsi, Novoselitsa, and Hertsa. [Mar 2014\

Photos courtesy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [2008]



[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [April 2016]

[UPDATE] Photos and article on cemetery survey [April 2017]



Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE