
Alternate names are Cetatea-Sucevii/Suceava/Suczawa/Shutz/Suchava/Suczawa/Sutchava. at 47°38' 26°15' in Suceava judet. Current [1997] Jewish population: about 100.

SUCEAVA JEWISH COMMUNITY (COMUNITATEA EVREILOR DIN SUCEAVA) Address: Str. Armeneasca 8 Telephone: (230) 213.084

Gah Synagogue: Address: Str. Dimitrie Onciul 7. Richly decorated on the interior with symbolic representations of the Tribes of Israel and views of Jerusalem, this is the only remaining synagogue still in use.Suceava Jewish Community:  (Comunitatea Evreilor din Suceava) Address: Str. Armeneasca 8 Telephone: (230) 213.084


  1. The Book of Suceava Jews. Benzion Fuchs, Simcha Weissbuch, editors [Mar 2014]
  2. YIVO Encyclopedia.[Mar 2014]



Impressive tombs from the late 19th and early 20th centuries can be seen in the newer Jewish Cemetery (located at Str. Parcului 6). The Old Jewish Cemetery (located on Str. Stefan Tomsa) with its elaborately carved tombs bearing traditional Jewish symbols, dates back to the 16th century, making it one of the oldest in Moldavia.

photos and photos..[Mar 2014]

US Commission No. ROCE-0617 -

Lucian Nastasă interviewed Vasilache Elena, Str. Stefan Tomsa no. 18, Suceava on January 29, 2001. [January 2003]


SUCEAVA II: (judet Suceava) US Commission No. ROCE-0618

On January 29, 2001, Lucian Nastasă interviewed Vasilache Elena, Str. Stefan Tomsa no. 18, Suceava. [January 2003]

Photos courtesy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [2008]



Photos courtesy This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [July 2012]



[UPDATE] Jewish Cemeteries of Suceava [April 2015]


[UPDATE] Photos by Charles Burns [April 2016]




Parent Category: EASTERN EUROPE