
49°30' N, 09°33' E, 29 miles NNE of Heilbronn, in Main-Tauber-Kreis, NE Baden-Württemberg. Since 1971, part of Ahorn. 1900 Jewish population: 96 (in 1887), 39 (in 1933).Jews were allowed to settle after the Thirty Years War (1618-48) to rebuild the village. Their numbers Increased  in the 17th and 18th centuries with an influx of Jews expelled from Wuerzburg. A synagogue was built in 1850 and a cemetery consecrated in the 1880s. The Jewish population peaked at 96 (15% of the total) in 1887 and thereafter steadily declined to 39 in 1933..By July 1938, 23 emigrated to the United States as did the last five in February 1939. Two were trapped in Holland and sent to Auschwitz. more Jewish history. [Feb 2013]



74744 Baden-Württemberg (Gerz)

Ot. von Ahorn; Der juedische Friedhof Ahorn-Eubigheim. Unpublished documentation in the Office of Protection of Monuments 1991. Bearbeiterin: Barbara Doepp. Source: Uni-Heidelberg
Zentralarchiv zur Erforschung der Geschichte der Juden in Deutschland. Bienenstr. 5, D-69117 Heidelberg, Tel. 06221 / 164-141, (Director: Dr. Peter Honigmann).

To see information and photographs of individual gravestones in cemeteries in Baden-Wuerttemberg, click on this link and follow the directions on that page.

Parent Category: GERMANY