
Grafeneck is a castle-like property in Grafeneck, a part of the city of Gomadingen at 48°24' N 9°24' E .Gomadingen is a town in the district of Reutlingen. About 85% of its territory is located on the Swabian Alps. It's the district where the Grafeneck Castle is situated. The Grafeneck Euthanasia Centre (NS-Tötungsanstalt Grafeneck) housed in Grafeneck Castle was one of Nazi Germany's killing centers as part of their euthanasia program. Today, this memorial site is dedicated to the victims of the state-authorized program referred to as Action T4. [Feb 2013]

Thea Lahn, who speaks English, and her deceased boyfriend erected a monument in Grafenek where 10,000 handicapped individuals were gassed. Her group of people seems to have gone out of their way to find and preserve history of Jews of Buttenhausen. Few Christians showed up for dedication of the monument several years ago. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Parent Category: GERMANY