DACHAU: 85221 Bavaria, Oberbayern

"In addition to the Jewish memorial on the site of the former concentration camp, there also is a memorial tablet to the right of the crematorium. Further, there is the large concentration camp cemetery Dachau-Leitenberg with its own memorial plus a plaque in the wall." Source: Steinerne Zeugnisse juedischen Lebens in Bayern; eine Dokumentation, 2nd ed. by Israel Schwierz. Muenchen: Bayerische Landes- zentrale fuer politische Bildungsarbeit 1992, ISBN 3-87052-398-0, 368 pp. [1st ed. 1988, ISBN 3-87052-393-X, 352 pp.].

Waldfriedhof Cemetery: "Many former prisoners of the Dachau Concentration Camp, who died in the months immediately after the liberation of the camp due to the consequences of detention, were buried at the cemetery in the Dachau district Etzenhausen. In addition, this cemetery is the final resting place of Jewish prisoners who did not survive the murderous death march from the Flossenbürg Concentration Camp to Dachau at the end of April 1945." 1268 burials.

final resting places of the victims of the Dachau death camp

Leitenberg Cemetery: "The lonely hill called Leitenberg is located north of the Dachau concentration camp in the former village of Etzenhausen, which was incorporated into the town of Dachau. The full name of this cemetery is KZ-Friedhof auf der Leiten, which in English means Concentration Camp Cemetery on the Leiten hill. This is where a new cemetery was created by the Nazis in October 1944 after they had run out of coal to burn the bodies of the thousands of prisoners who were dying in epidemics of contagious diseases in the camp." Full history with photos and memorial photos.

Rick Steves: "While some visitors complain that Dachau is too "prettied-up," it gives a powerful look at how these camps worked . Built in 1933, this first Nazi concentration camp offers a compelling voice from our recent, grisly past, warning and pleading "Never Again" - the memorial's theme. On arrival, pick up the mini-guide and check when the next documentary film in English will be shown. The museum, the movie, the chilling camp-inspired art, the reconstructed barracks, the gas chambers, the cremation ovens, and the memorial shrines will chisel into you the hidden meaning of fascism."


Dachau concentration camp - Wikipedia,


page updated Apr 2014



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