Ivoh LeMoshav, Toledoth HaRabonim Sheyeshvu al Kisey HaRabonuth Shel Sholosh Kehiloth, Altona, Hamburg, Wandsbeck [Biographies and Gravestone Inscriptions of the Rabbis of the Three Communities Altona, Hamburg, and Wandsbeck], by Eduard Duckesz, Cracow, 1903 (reprinted in Israel in 1968). Source: Werner Hirsch; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. (He has the book.)
Records of the Jewish communities of Hamburg, Altona, and Wandsbek from the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, including the minute book of the Burial Society of the Sephardic Congregation Neve Salom, Altona, and record books (Pinkassim) also photos of gravestones; various languages: Source: Leo Baeck Institute.
84 gravestones; used from 1564-1936. Source: Kommission fuer die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen submitted by Harmut Heinemann of the Commission.
Der alte jüdische friedhof zu Wandsbek in Israelitischer Kalender für Schleswig-Holstein(87) s. 54-56.; S. Bamberger
Der jüdische friedhof in Wandsbek in Wandsbek: Memorbuch 2 bd.; by S. Bamberger; Hamburg; Dölling und Galitz, 1997 912 S.
Parent Category: GERMANY