FRANKFURT am Main: 6xxxx [many codes] Hesse (Gerz) [January 2001]
NOTE: The small cemeteries in the suburbs are locked; keys can be obtained from: Verwaltung des Frankfurter Hauptfriedhofs, Eckenheimer Landstrase 194, room 4 [according to Senger & Meier-Ude 1985, p. 96]. The small local Jewish cemeteries in Frankfurt have not been documented. Some have no gravestones left standing. The cemetery in the neighborhood of Bockenheim is one of the largest of those with remaining gravestones. Bockenheim has about 300 gravestones.
General books about Frankfurt cemeteries:
     Wenn keine Stimme sich fur uns erhebt, so moegen die Steine dieser Stadt fuer uns zeugen; Juedische Friedhoefe-Grabsteine als Zeugen der Geschichte. [Jewish cem: tombstones as witnesses to history] by Angelika Rieber. In: "Ich bin kein deutscher Patriot mehr, jetzt bin ich Jude"; die Vertreibung juedischer Buerger aus Wiesbaden (1933 bis 1947) ed by Lothar Bembenek & Horst Dickel. Frankfurt/M.: Diesterweg (Materialien zum Unterricht, Sekundarstufe I, Heft 107), ISBN 3-88327-253-3, 129-193 Source: DIE DEUTSCHE NATIONAL BIBLIOGRAPHIE
     Grabinschriften des alten Judenfriedhofs in Frankfurt am Main eine Auswahl-Texte, Kurzbiographien und Uebersetzungen, by Arno Lustiger. Frankfurt/M.: Kirchheimsche Stiftung 1984, 10 pp.
Durch freidhof aus dem leben geschiedene frankfurter Juden, 1938-1943/ [von Adolf] Diamant. Frankfurt am Main: Selbstverlag, 1983. v, 16 p. 24 cm. vital statistics and cemeteries; ID # DS 135 G4 F7 D52 Source: LBI
     Friedhofs- und Begraebnissordnung der israelitischen Religionsgesellschaft in Frankfurt A. M./ Frankfurt am Main: 189-? 8 p. 20 cm. AND 1913 ID # BM 318 F68 A5 Source: LBI
     An additional Source for Frankfurt, but which does not specify a cemetery is Ettlinger's work. Ettlinger, a Frankfurt lawyer and genealogist, prepared data sheets (his life's work) on each of the names from Frankfurt's Memorial Book(s). Unfortunately the Memorial Book(s) were destroyed during the war, but Ettlinger's work remains. He documented the burials that were listed from about 1200, up until 1830. These contain fantastic genealogical data. His work makes many corrections to Horovitz's work. There are 12 volumes of about 1,000 pages each. (Totaling up to about 12,000 names). The Jewish Museum has given me permission to copy the pages. The three copies of this exist in 1. Frankfurt, 2. LBI (Leo Baeck Institute, 3. Jerusalem.
   UPDATE: Names, years of death, the Hebrew inscriptions and their translations into German are searchable both in German and Hebrew at where you choose the cemetery under "Auswahlmenue" and go to "Inschriften" to access chronological order inscriptions one by one or in a particular year under "Jahr". [December 2007]
Parent Category: GERMANY