District: Main-Taunus Coordinates: Latitude: 50.065375 / Longitude: 8.375935 Location: north-east of village on the Langenhainer Strasse (adjoining the tennis and squash courts).
IN USE: from 1738 (or earlier) until 1940 by the Jewish communities of Wallau, Delkenheim, Massenheim, Diedenbergen, Hochheim, Langenheim, Wildsachsen, Nordenstadt, Breckenheim, Medenback and Ingstadt. Source: Kommission fuer die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen submitted by Harmut Heinemann of the Commission.
HISTORY: This cemetery dates back to the first half of the 18th century. Gravestones from this period are still visible, in spite of vandalism during the Nazi period. The newer part of the cemetery was probably used from around 1842 onwards. The last funeral took place in 1940 (Sally Schoenfeld from Nordenstadt). There is a war memorial for Jewish soldiers who died in WW1 in the middle of the cemetery, as well as a memorial stone for 35 Jews murdered during the Nazi era.
SOURCES: Alemannia Judaica and Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen.
BOOK: From Gure, the annual publication of the Wallau Historical society, Issue N. 5, 1988, translated courtesy of Louis Lowenstein.
Note: While the cited publication does not reproduce the names of the 35 victims memorialized in the cemetery, it does give extensive information regarding the victims from Wallau, including birth dates and in some cases deportation destinations.
BOOK: From Juden in Hochheim, 1988, Zechnersche Buchdruckerei, Speyer, by Franz Luschberger: A chapter on ‘Der Juedische Friedhof’ with several photographs. This is the Wallau Cemetery which served Hochheim and other nearby communities. Erbenheim and perhaps others were omitted from the list above. A copy of the publication was presented to the Leo Baeck Institute by me together with other materials containing data on the cemetery. I am told by friends in Wallau that an effort is being made to record the inscriptions on the stones in the Jewish Cemetery especially the older ones. A non-Jewish theologian with knowledge of Hebrew was for some time at least assisting with transliterations of the inscriptions. Source: John Paul Lowens This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. [translations from German November 2007]
Parent Category: GERMANY