KELSTERBACH: 65451 Hesse
Abgeraeumt 1935. (Gerz, Peters). also see Gross Gerau. When Jews in Kelsterback requested space for a cemetery in 1889 they were told that as Jews lived with their Christian neighbors in town, so could they be buried with them. A cemetery was dedicated in July 1894. This made Kelsterback the only community in the Gross Gereau area with its own cemetery. In 1935, by order of the mayor, the stones were removed and destroyed. The area was seeded with grass and later became part of the general cemetery. A memorial plaque was suggested in 1945 and in 1950 a memorial stone was placed there. Source: p.374 of Verschunderne Nachbarn, by Angelika Schleindl. (Details in Gross Gereau).
Parent Category: GERMANY