ROTENBURG an der Fulda: 36199 Hesse
Recently visited by Maggie Linz (survey pending) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [June 2002]
      UPDATE: The Rotenburg an der Fulda cemetery has been thoroughly researched by Dr. Heinrich Nuhn (with help: He doesn't know Hebrew). He has mapped the cemetery out. I have seen the Hebrew epitaphs. However, his work is published on the website of Jacob-Grimm Schule in Rotenburg. To access the list of burials, you need to enter the Individual Modules site, then "the Jewish Cemetery of Rotenburg" at the bottom of the page (click "next"), then when a general photo of the cemetery comes up, click on "weiter". Finally, there is a section entitled Alle Grabstaetten, where the cemetery is divided into four parts. Clicking on the description of a gravestone (in German) brings you to a photo of that gravestone. Source: Maggie Linz and Ellen Stepak This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [April 2005]
Parent Category: GERMANY