SINNTAL: 36391 Hesse (Gerz: formerly ALTENGRONAU)
Excellent condition, located SE of Altengronau, cemetery was heavily used by the Bavarian communities of Brueckenau, Unterriedenberg, Geroda, Platz Schondra, Mittelsinn, Burgsinn, Voelkersleier, Dittlofsroda. Two wooden gates, partial stone wall, old and new sections.
SOURCE: Steinerne Zeugnisse juedischen Lebens in Bayern; eine Dokumentation, 2nd ed. by Israel Schwierz. Muenchen: Bayerische Landeszentrale für politische Bildungsarbeit 1992, ISBN 3-87052-398-0, 368 pp. [1st ed. 1988, ISBN 3-87052-393-X, 352 pp.]. 1,489 gravestones; used from 1691-1937.
SOURCE: Kommission für die Geschichte der Juden in Hessen submitted by Harmut Heinemann of the Commission..
UPDATE: "I wish to let you know of a large and beautiful old Jewish cemetery in a secluded site, set among trees high on a hill overlooking the country village of Altengronau in Hessen . . . . I was taken to this cemetery three years ago by a researcher who felt it was a very special place, and that I would enjoy seeing it. I did, very much. I do not know if the cemetery has a name. The cemetery seemed to be in very good condition when I was there. It is located SE of Schluchtern, directly below Sinntal. I left a stone as a memorial on one of the old markers. " Diane Deputy
Parent Category: GERMANY