
Coat of arms of Wunstorf

Wunstorf is a town in the district of Hanover in Lower Saxony. The following localities belong to the city of Wunstorf: Blumenau (with Liethe), Bokeloh, Großenheidorn, Idensen (with Idensermoor and Niengraben), Klein Heidorn, Kolenfeld, Luthe, Mesmerode, Steinhude, and Wunstorf. Wunstorf Air Base of the German Air Force is nearby. To the west of the city, Steinhude and Großenheidorn are located on the shores of Lake Steinhuder Meer. 52°26' N, 09°25' E, 14 miles WNW of Hannover.1900 Jewish population: 75.

CEMETERY: 31515 Lower Saxony (Gerz, Peters)

1) no info.

2) Ot. Steinhude: Near Frille in Schaumberg-Lippe. Someone has already transcribed the information on the gravestones

as I have a copy. The cemetery has 57 gravestones some of which date back to 1798. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL: abbey, Wasserzucht 1. "It consists of a rotating relief which shows prisoners behind a barbed wire in a stylised way. Seven arms inserted in the pavement lead to seven plaques, containing the names of 42 Jewish citizens who became victims of the Holocaust. A small plaque renders the following explanation: 'Memorial in memory of the murdered Jewish citizens of Wunstorf during the Nazi regime.' The object was created by stone sculptor Ostap Rebmann in 2002. A touring exhibition called Sie waren Bürger Wunstorfs (They were Citizens of Wunstorf) shows the life and the way to extermination of Wunstorf citizens of Jewish belief. It can be borrowed at the Bürgerkomitee Weiße Rose (citizens' commission of the White Rose). Information concerning the former Jewish parish, a list of the names of the murdered Jewish citizens (PDF), as well as tips concerning the cemeteries at the streets Nordrehr and Am Hohen Holz not far from the water works are available at the city's website at Kultur und Archiv/ Kleines historisches Wunstorf- Lexikon (culture and archive/ small historical encyclopedia of Wunstorf). These cemeteries contain the graves of members of the Jewish parishes Hagenburg and Steinhude of 18th and 19th century." photo at site Source [August 2012]

Memorial in memory of murdered patients/Landeskrankenhaus (regional hospital) Wunstorf Source [August 2012]

Klinikum Region Hannover Wunstorf GmbH
Südstraße 25, 31515 Wunstorf
Tel. +49 (5031) 93-0
Fax. +49 (5031) 93 12 07
E-mail: info.wunstorf [at]
Internet: under: Wir über uns/Geschichte in einer Zeittafel
Information about compulsory sterilization and murder of patients.

Parent Category: GERMANY