
Coat of arms of Steinfurt52°09' N 7°21' E, 256.4 miles W of Berlin. File:Wappen Burgstein.svg Burgsteinfurt at : 52°09' N, 07°20' E, 18 miles NW of Münster, in Kreis Steinfurt, N Nordrhein-Westfalen. Steinfurt is situated NW of Münster and came into being in 1975 when the two up to then independent parts of the city, Borghorst and Burgsteinfurt combined. A prosperous city because of its flourishing textile industry, whereas Burgsteinfurt never was an industrial town, but rather was a city of culture and administration. Tourists of the 19th century visiting Steinfurt praised the city and called it the "Paradise of Westphalia" and "Royal Diamond" (Königsdiamant) because of its 75 monumental buildings, moated castle and the river:  town history. [Sep 2012]

Cemetery: 48565 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz). Das Wiemelfeld, Prinzenstrasse.

Das Wiemelfeld Cemetery: In Borghorst portion of the City Steinfurt, Dumterstrasse/corner Prinzenstrasse. Used 1843 to about 1940. 26 visible gravestones. overview. Steinfurt proved liberal towards Jews when in 1662 the Count of Steinfurt licensed one to live and work in Steinfurt with respect for his religion. Although the citizens originally objected to the settlement of Jews, more and more came to live in Burgsteinfurt over time. In "Kautenstege" is a memorial stone marking where the synagogue once stood near Arnoldinum school, the High School, and where the Jewish citizens were deported. The synagogue was destroyed in November 1938. 42 Jewish inhabitants from Steinfurt were deported; only four survived. At the end of World War II, almost half of the town was destroyed by two bombs. British troops occupied Steinfurt in April 1945; Steinfurt was seat of the British military government. [Sep 2012]
- Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , page 134

48565 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz). Gerichtsstr.

Old Cemetery: Bagno Park, Roddenberry Kamp in Burgstein. Used before 1759 - 1906. No visible gravestones. Cemetery was bombed during WWII.
- Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , page 134
- History in Handbook 2008 , pp. 676 f

New Cemetery: Hohenzollernstrasse / Gerichtsstrasse in Burgstein. Used 1884 - 1974. Visible gravestones: 95. The cemetery was desecrated during Kristallnacht. According Wilbertz, Bochum 1997, there was a medieval precursor to the burial site.
- Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
- 1987 - 1988 by Regional Association (occupancy, location map)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , pp. 135
- Reservations, map in van der Poll 1988 , pp. xx
- History in Bochum, 1997 , p.22
- History in Handbook 2008 , p 677

Parent Category: GERMANY