International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


DÜLMEN: 48249 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz) (DUELMEN)

NEW Cemetery:

Kapellenweg, behind Protestant cemetery; 0.38 ha; 98 gravestones, 1826-1938, including 63 from former cemetery Ludinghauser Str. (used 1761-1937). Used 1905-1938. Some stones illegible or damaged. ü Der juedische Friedhof in Duelmen, by Karina Lehnardt. Duelmen: Laumann 1991 (Duelmener Lesebuch 3), ISBN 3-87466-154-7, 168 pp. Lists all gravestones with photos, inscriptions (with German translation if in Hebrew), biographical information, text of obituaries in local newspapers, references; cemetery diagram, name & place index; (DS135.G4 D8555 1991)

Brathe, Heinz: Juedische Friedhoefe in DueLmen.-In: Duelmener Heimatblatter (1988), Nr. 3/4, S. 6-9 84. Lehnardt, Kafina; Wiehe, Karsten: Der juedische Friedhof in Duelmen.-Duelmen: Stadt Duelmen, 1991. -168 S. Dueren (Kreis).

Dowe, L.: Die juedischen Friedhoefe im Kreis Dueren.-In: Eifel-Jahrbuch (Dueren) (1989), S. 104-112 Duesseldoff.

Kohut, A.: Ein Besuch auf dem alten israelitischen Ffiedhof zu Duesseldorf.-In: Der Israelit 53 (1912),Nr. 1, S. 3.

Lohausen, Herman: Der alte juedische Friedhof in Duesseldorf- Kaiserswerth.-In: Duesseldorfer Famueien-kunde 17 (1981), S. 101-104.] Lohausen, Herman: Duesseldorfs alteste juedische Grabsteine.-In: Duesseldoffer Famueienkunde 23 (1987), Nr. 1, S. 25-29.

    • Located on Kapellenwe behind the Christian cemetery, the site was used 1905 - 1941. 75 visible gravestones. (96 gravestones Coesfeld 1990 , p 314). 64 gravestones are from the old cemetery. [Sept 2012]
      - Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
      - 1987 - 1988 by Regional Association (occupancy, occupation list, photos of individual stones)
      - 1989 - 1991 by Karina Lehnardt (full documentation)
      - History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , p.39
      - History in Brathe 1988 , p 6 -9.
      - Availability calendar, photos of individual stones in van der Poll 1988 , pp. 127-130.
      - Inscriptions (Hebrew and before 1900), and translations in Coesfeld 1990 , pp. 314-316
      - Full documentation in Lehnardt 1991 , pp. 9 - 10, 18 - 168
      - History in Handbook 2008 , p 322F
  • OLD CEMETERY: Formerly Lüdinghauser Tor. Used 1761 - 1902. No visible gravestones. In 1937, the graves were leveled. 64 gravestones/burials were reinterred in the new cemetery. TAt the former cemetery, a memorial stone exists. The Jews living in Dülmen since the 15th century had a burial ground outside the medieval city ring that can no longer be located. [Sept 2012]
    - History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , p.38
    - History in Brathe 1988 , p.6 -9.
    - History in Coesfeld 1990 , P. 314
    - History, map in Lehnardt 1991 , pp. 9 - 10
    - History in Handbook 2008 , p 322F