

32130 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz)
Ziegelstrasse cemetery: From 1807 to 1813 Enger belonged to the Kingdom of Westphalia. After Napoleon left Westphalia, it became Prussian. In 1812, Prussia accepted the emancipation laws. Finally, in 1847, Jewish people were fully emancipated. In the 19th century, 8 to 10 Jewish families lived in Enger. The Jews from Spenge and Joellenbeck also belonged to the community of Enger, later those from Wallenbrueck, also. Since 1879, only people from Enger were members of the community. In the year 1895, the Jewish kahal in Enger dissolved itself. Some families connected to the parish of Herford. In 1927, the synagogue in Enger was pulled down because of decay. The area was sold. Unknown is date the cemetery was created but probably 1826. The area (1331 m2; 0.33 acres) is located outside the town at the Ziegelstrasse. In the beginning people were buried by sequence of death; later, families were buried together. Surely, there are more people buried than stones exist. Almost all stones are inscribed in Latin and in Hebrew letters. Nowadays, the town office of Enger looks after the cemetery as a memorial place. Enger is within easy reach from the Highway Osnabrueck-Hannover (A30), 530 miles east of Osnabrueck, 60 miles west of Hannover. It is located near Bielefeld. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using Kerstin Stockhecke / Heinz Finkener Geschichte der Synagogengemeinde Enger in: Stadt Enger Beiträge zur Stadtgeschichte 7, Enger 1991 and CD developed by Dinski [info from 1990s]

Ziegelstrasse Cemetery: Used ate 18th Century - 1938. 56 gravestones are visible. Prior to the establishment of their own cemetery, they used nearby cemeteries.
- Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Overview Photos)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , p.68
- History in Enger 1991 , pp. 43 - 47
- History in splendor 1998 , pp. 112, 134

Parent Category: GERMANY