

34431 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz)

City Marsberg in Hochsauerlandkreis
Country location on the road called Fürstenberger. Used about 1850 - 1937. 28 visible gravestones although in 1987 H. Stratmann / G. Birkmann in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 1987 counted a total of 35 stones. [Sept 2012]
- Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
- 1994 by Michael Senger (occupancy)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , page 74
- History in Lattek 1989 , p.110
- Reservations, history Senger 1994 , pp. 379 - 380, 385th

Parent Category: GERMANY