

32457 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz)


CEMETERY: Kemper Road n the southeast corner past the main entrance to the Kempstrasse.. Used 1618/21 - 1907, 1992. About 149 visible gravestones. The cemetery was the  burial place of the Jewish community in Minden and the entire Jewish population in the archdiocese Minden. [Sep 2012]
- Approximately 1975 - 2000 by Heritage Office (Photos)
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987 , p.106
- History in Nordsiek 1988 , pp. 22 - 23
- Geschichtein Röhs 1991 , pp. 135 - 136
- History in Brandhorst 1995 , page 167
- History in splendor 1998 , pp. 401, 414, 445 - 446

UPDATE: "As far as I know there is no Jewish community left in Hausberge, and the cemetery is left to decay. It is situated above the Christian graveyard and no sign whatsoever leads to it. If you don't know where to search you'll never find it. I heard about it from an old woman since she knows that I'm interested in cemeteries -especially old ones. "The cemetery itself contains no more than 50 tombstones unless I'm extremely mistaken. They are in a quite good condition. I've only seen one or two tombstones with pebbles on them so I'm pretty sure it is more or less abandoned. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [June 2010]

UPDATE: The Cemetery is divided in 2 Sections: The first section is the older one and has a separate entrance.
It is roughly square and this section has a handful of gravestones not erected but laying on the ground (like the tombs
you see in old churches). The second section is greater in length but quite narrow. This part has the most recent graves.
Both parts are divided by a big mausoleum of the Michelson Family. At my first visit in June I've completely missed the smaller but older part" As far as i know there is no Jewish community left in Hausberge, and the cemetery is left to decay. It is situated above the Christian graveyard and no sign whatsoever leads to it. If you don't know where to search you'll never find it. I heard about it from an old woman since she knows that I'm interested in cemeteries -especially old ones.
"The cemetery itself contains no more than 50 tombstones unless I'm extremely mistaken. They are in a quite good condition. I've only seen one or two tombstones with pebbles on them so I'm pretty sure it is more or less abandoned.
Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.[June 2010]

UPDATE: The Cemetery ist divided in 2 Sections: The first section is the older one and has a separate entrance.
It is roughly square and this section has a handful of gravestones not erected but laying on the ground (like the tombs
you see in old churches). The second section is greater in length but quite narrow.
t my first visit in June I've completely missed the smaller but older part of the cemetery and it has, as it turns out a separate entrance with an
official plaque attached. Translation: Jewish Cemetery. Cemetery of the jewish communities of Minden and Hausberge containing interesting designed gravestones showing Hebrew and German text, Entry is allowed. You can pass from here to the Evangelical Lutherian cemetery. The whole cemetery contains 123 gravestones of which several are utterly
destroyed. Most stones contain German and Hebrew text, but there are several which only have Hebrew. The condition of the cemetery is quite good, considering that apparently nobody is responsible for it. There are however several graves which are completely destroyed and there are several graves which are (in) such bad condition that it is impossible to read anything on them. Source & Photo: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

[August 2010]

Parent Category: GERMANY