International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


MEINERZHAGEN: Märkischer Kreis

58540 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz)

(from 16 legible stones) See JOWBR

Old Cemetery: Located Schwarzenberg. Used about 1813-1913. Visible gravestones: None. [Sep 2012]
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987, p.102
- 2006 Website with overview photos of Edgar Gättner

New Cemetery: Located on military road, grass plant. Used 1881-1945. Visible gravestones: 15. The land was purchased in 1910 by the Jewish community. Apart from the Jewish gravestones, 26 gravestones for Russian foreign workers were added. [Sep 2012]
- 1994 by Dieter Peters (8 Photos: cemetery gravestones and views)
- 2006 by Edgar Gättner (photos of all stones, assignment list) see:
- History in Westphalia-Lippe 1987, p.103

We visited the cemetery June l995 and It was in excellent condition and is located on HeerStrasse, south of the Catholic cemetery. During the war the gravestones were buried and were unearthed after the war. My parents returned in l961 to have the Fischbach stone re-ingraved with names of family members who died in the Holocaust. In January 1977, Rudiger Benninghaus, who was doing research on the Jews of Meinerzhagen, sent me a list of 25 graves and l3 gravestones. In fall of l979, three additional graves were found. Mr. Benninghaus wrote "Diese Steine wurden erst nach der Neubepflanzung der Graber im Herbst '79 sichtbar bzw. lesbar." (These stones were first found in the fall of 1979 when the cemetrey was cleaned.) There are also approximately 26 gravestones of Russian prisoners who died of starvation during WWII, buried in a row at the right side of the cemetery. Source: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., St. Louis. [July 23, l996]