
Coat of arms of Witten

51°26′0″N 7°20′0″E, Witten in North Rhine-Westphalia is the home of the Witten/Herdecke University, the first private university in Germany. 1815 was the first Jewish community mention. In 1938 the synagogue was destroyed during the so-called "Reichspogromnacht" (also known as Kristallnacht) of 9-10 November 1938. Today, about a dozen Jews live in Witten as part of the Jewish community in Bochum. Since 1985 the place of the former synagogue is shown by a memorial for the victims of the holocaust. [August 2012]

Cemetery: 58401 North Rhine-Westphalia (Gerz, Peters)

Ennepe CEMETERY: Auf dem Helenenberg, auf der Strasse Egge. Used: 1900. Visible gravestones: None. The Nazis closed the cemetery. On the free-access area is a memorial plaque. [Sep 2012]

-Geschichte in Westfalen-Lippe 1987, S. 56

(Am Ledderken ) CEMETERY: Am Ledderken. Used 1878-today. Visible gravestones: about 130 [Sep 2012]
Geschichte in Westfalen-Lippe 1987, S. 57, 153.

Parent Category: GERMANY