MERTLOCH: 56753 Rhineland-Palatinate (Gerz)
The Mertloch cemetery is on the road from Mertloch to Naunheim, south of Mertloch. There are approximately 110 gravesites. Mertloch is near Koblenz. It is a small, gated graveyard in the middle of a field. We visited there in the 60's and were able to obtain the key to the cemetery from the local burgermeister. The metal nameplates on the graves had all been removed, but we were able to identify our relatives' graves from the photo we had from before WWII.
In 1982, a distant cousin published a dissertation with more info. on this cemetery and others. The last address we have for him is Leopold Hoenig, 453-C FDR Drive #C-1504, New York, NY 10002. The work is copyrighted. The book diagrams the cemetery and includes names and information on all those buried there. Please let us know if you are successful reaching Leopold. Source: Caroline & Leopold Haimann; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Parent Category: GERMANY