ERFURT: 99094 Thuringia (Gerz)
Die Erfurter hebraeischen Grabinschriften (Tombstones Hebrew inscriptions in Erfurt). Leipzig, 1884. 15 pages, Hebrew inscriptions and German text. 63B3656. Notes: 88 tombstones (some not readable), 1247-1382. Source: Tagger, Mathilde A. Printed Books on Jewish cemeteries in the Jewish National and University Library in Jerusalem: an annotated bibliography . Jerusalem: The Israel Genealogical Society, 1997.
· The cemetery is located at Cyriakstrasse (Gedenkstein) within the EGA Geländes Cemetery that is still used at Werner-Seelenbinder- Str. 3 next to the Thüringenhalle. The old synagogue is at Michaelisstrasse 2. Only a few stone supports are left where something else will probably soon be built. There is a small synagogue at Stadtmünze 5, today called Begegnungsstätte. The new synagogue is at Juri-Gagarin- Ring 16 (built in 1952 over where the old one was in 1983.) Source: Heidrun Zeidler; This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Recently visited by Maggie Linz (survey pending) at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who said many nice things about the help she received from Heidrun Zeidler [June 2002]
Parent Category: GERMANY