International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies

International Jewish Cemetery Project - France A-M
  • Jewish cemetery: On the northern edge of the town off of D.9, a small sign points to "Steles" (Monuments). The cemetery is in the middle of a cornfield with at least 500 graves. The centered is kept locked. The key is in the possession of a Mme Schweinmachte, Tel. about She pointed out to us a vacant lot across from her house (Rue de Doubs) that had been the synagogue that Germans had burned to the ground. On the way out of town, as we turned the car, we noted a Rue des Juifs. While no more Jews live there, the name of the street had not been changed! Amazingly, burials still occur there. While the older stones are virtually unreadable, the cemetery shows that someone cares for it, attempting to keep down the overgrowth and to place broken stones, etc. in their approximate place. Source: Dan and Rosanne Leeson, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. [1998]