International Jewish Cemetery Project
International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies


The synagogue built in 1775 was replaced in 1869 with a new synagogue, replaced in 1904 by the current building. This synagogue burned in 1940 and seriously vandalized 1940-45 was restored in 1957 for a declining community. The synagogue renovated in 1954 burned down and is marked a Mogen David[?]: the walls of nave include each six stained glass windows and the facade is pierced of six openings itself. The Holy Ark of the synagogue, which came from that of Weiterswiller, was disassembled and re-installed in the new synagogue of l'Esplanade à Strasbourg.. [January 2008]

Cimetière Israelite: (1885) Road to Brumath. The still active cemetery was desecrated several times. In 1908 it was reported that the Jewish cemetery in Mommenheim was created in the 19th century as a joint cemetery of the Jewish communities of Mommenheim and Wingersheim. Article in the "Frankfurter Israelitisches Familienblatt" August 7, 1908: "Mommenheim in Alsace. On the local Jewish cemeteries, 41 headstones were overturned with violence and partially destroyed. To find the offender the Jewish community offered a reward of 100 marks." Article in "The Israelite" of August 6, 1908:"Mommenheim, 29 July (1908). On Sunday night in the Jewish cemetery, about 40 tombstones were overturned and partially destroyed. "The ruthless unfortunately are still not determined; for their discovery of the Jewish community has offered a reward of 100 marks." The cemetery is located directly at the exit going toward Durmath / Haguenau at the local roundabout. photos.